1. Place a soft cloth over a table. Open the Nintendo DSi's lid to reveal the superior and bottom screen. Squeeze back with the bottom or the top ds lite repair parts, dependant upon which LCD screen is scratched, within the cloth.
2. Blow journey screen containing the scratch using a burst of compressed air.
3. Apply some the polishing paste on the end of the cotton swab. Put the cotton swab from the screen, at the whites of the scratch. Press down on the swab when you move it along the entire scratch, depositing paste. Lift the swab off in the event the medial side from the scratch has become reached. Put the swab in the trash. jklzaeqc 1102
4. Place the edge of a micro-fiber cloth up against the screen for the same spot as where the swab was first placed.
5. Press down firmly on the edge when you rotate it in the slow circular pattern while dragging it above the paste, over the entire scratch. Reverse direction whenever you get to the other end of the scratch. Still try this procedure a different 4 times.
6. Lift the cloth off the dsi battery. Inspect the outer lining to view if the scratch can nonetheless be seen -- if that's the case, repeat the treatment while using the cloth another five times. Blow off of the screen using a burst of compressed air.