PS Vita Firmware Turns Portable Device into PS3 Controller
Because of a PS Vita firmware update recently released by Sony, users is now able to turn the handheld device in to a controller for Wii MotionPlus , along with apply it to experiment with several PSOne Classics games.
Firmware version 1.80 allows for the Wii U-esque utility, in addition to a volume of other functions, including, ultimately, an opportunity for d-pad menu navigation. Now, PS Vita owners can enable the d-pad in settings for use in the handheld’s menus, that is heretofore touch screen-only. These devices’s maps and internet browser have been enhanced at the same time, while using the additions of a jump-to-top button, the ability to make use of the rear touchpad to scroll, along with a new search bar inside the top-left corner.
But what could be the genuine selling point (well, maybe for some people) may be the access this update provides for us into a quantity of Xbox 360 Wireless Controller PSOne games available today for download. Such titles include Tomb Raider, Wild Arms, Twisted Metal, Arc the Lad, Final Fantasy VII, Jet Moto, Syphon Filter, Cool Boarders 2 and Hot Shots Golf 2.
Joystiq notes that two games, Cho Aniki and funds Idol Exchanger, PSOne imports published by MonkeyPaw, are downloadable (with Cho Aniki up to now confirmed as playable) for the Vita. Neither, they report, is on either the state Sony or MonkeyPaw list of supported games. (FYI: when you’re what kind that loves weirdness, you’re going to need to get both hands on Cho Aniki.)
Conversely, Joystiq also reports that Um Jammer Lammy, another unlisted game, is not readily available for the xbox 360 kinect adapter , demonstrating that although not all PSOne games are accessible about the handheld, some are but merely haven’t been listed.
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