First up, the Nintendo GamePad – a dual-screen experience built in the conventional hardware of Nintendo’s new console, the ps3 accessories. Then Microsoft with Xbox SmartGlass – an extremely different application which works like a software play, usable across multiple devices and form factors.

Now Sony has joined within the fun, announcing Monday they can be enabling “Cross-Controller” use selected games through downloadable patches, and also building it into future games. Cross controller implies that the PlayStation Vita can be employed rather then or and also the regular Sixaxis controller. Of course, the playstation 3 controllers, in conjunction with its thumbsticks, also offers its screen – so, suddenly, the likelihood exists to include a touchscreen interface towards the available controls – and, heck, maybe perhaps the rear touchpad. Indeed, Little Big Planet 2 will likely be using that enigmatic touchpad to navigate a new story mode.
It's possible to see some immediate complaints about this – as my colleague Dave Thier noted on Twitter, this can be a controller which costs about as much as the console. Also, the same problem raises its head as Microsoft have with SmartGlass: since ownership of a Vita are not universal among PS3 owners, any product generated for cross controller play will be relevant simply to a fraction of the listeners for the video game accessories game. However, it does throw open some interesting possibilities; like with all the small-screen options premiered or reaffirmed at E3 hitherto, the proof of these puddings will be in the eating. Or otherwise, in he staring and prodding.