Sony Computer Entertainment recently announced that it's going to drive the proliferation with the PlayStation platforms through “cross-platform feature” which realizes cross platform hands per hour between PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita. Through “cross platform feature”, SCE will deliver gaming experience which leverages the capabilities of both systems and enables users to take pleasure from gaming as much as.
The theory behind the cross-platform capabilities between PlayStation 3 and portable PlayStation Vita is to improve the worth of owning multiple PlayStation devices by means of cloud technologies together with specific capabilities with the PS3 and PS Vita. Initially, you will have about ten games supporting specific cross-platform technologies, however number will gradually increase. Eventually, the number of cross-platform features may increase (for example, now it is impossible to experiment with games from PS Vita on big screen using PS3).

Initially, you will see several cross-platform features, including:
The Cross-Play feature which allows PS3 and PS Vita users to enjoy match or collaborative hands per hour.
The Cross-Controller feature that enables a farmer to work with PS Vita being a controller to experience games on PS3, with the use of touchscreen technology, rear touch pad, six-axis motion sensing system, and cameras. Users can savor the two types of gaming experiences with the large TV screen and PS Vita display.
Cross-Save feature: by managing saved data between PS3 and PS Vita, the Cross-Save feature enables users away from home to continue getting referrals on PS Vita, right from where they left off on PS3 in your own home.
The Cross-Goods feature allows users to savor various content such as purchased downloaded content and user generated content on PS3 and PS Vita by transferring to platform, by sharing between both platforms, or by different ways.
The Remote Play feature allows PS Vita users to remotely access their PS3 to enjoy content including games and videos.
Even though the concept of cross-platform and cloud features definitely deserves applauds, it remains to appear how well it will be received through the game developers as supporting any feature requires time. Moreover, compulsory ownership of PS Vita to get a PS3 game to allow second screen feature may also naturally reduce its sales.