
Slacker Radio announces Roku and Xbox 360 console support

There are numerous streaming subscription music services i are already trying a few of them out within the past year. I recently bounced primarily between subscriptions with Rdio, Spotify, and Slacker Radio, along with my Zune Pass and after some recent news have recently chosen one primary service. Slacker Radio announced availability on Roku a couple weeks ago this also week at E3 announced these are coming soon towards the Xbox 360 system. Since I own these two devices, Slacker Radio is currently available on almost any device I own same goes with the natural choice for ME.

I hear and enjoy music from several genres so I that adheres to that Slacker Radio gives me an easy way to pick out or setup a channel and just enjoy whatever comes out of this channel. You may also download music for offline listening, such as if you are on an airplane. My primary wireless carrier, T-Mobile, includes Slacker Radio on most in their devices so it is user friendly for first time phone owners. Many of these streaming music services will set you back $10/month for mobile use so it depends upon several subtle differences and what devices you wish to use the service on. While using Xbox announcement, pr release copied below, Slacker Radio has decided to be around within the Xbox 360 elite, Roku, SONOS, Windows 8, Ford vehicles with SYNC, Windows Phone, iOS, Android, BlackBerry, webOS, and Symbian. The one platform I haven’t seen a customer for is MeeGo. You can even listen to Slacker Radio using a web browser on your personal computer or Mac. http://www.vdealbox.com

