The focal point from the Nintendo Wii U would be the second-screen Gamepad. Just as in the Wii Remote, Nintendo hopes this new control interface is a gateway to unique experiences for first time users. But where Nintendo bet the farm, as we say, within the Wii-mote, its controller concepts for the Wii U are typical on the place.
Let us take a look at the playstation 3 Move Gamepad is you bet Nintendo is positioning it. The most obvious use with the second screen can be as a map. Pikmin 3 will contain such a feature, so players can survey the landscape and monitor others. Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition uses the Gamepad for actions like controlling the batarang. ZombiU uses it to scan the environment and for other inputs like punching within a key code. And Nintendo Land uses it for asynchronous gameplay.
Another interesting move is titles is usually played while TV is off or on another channel over the screen on the Gamepad.

Those are extremely good, but none are particularly exciting options. The place that the message actually starts to become mixed is by using the Wii U Pro Controller.
The Pro has become compared to its Xbox 360 console counterpart. The similarities are super easy to notice, but simply think of it as a "normal" controller. And also by normal After all it does not possess a second screen. Nintendo is finally giving gamers what they have to wanted out of your Classic PlayStation Move around the Wii that was never delivered on. The Pro won't come bundled with the console, but I suspect it dealing with a lot of early adopters.
Developers plan every feature of the game before it starts. Second-screen gameplay for your Wii U is going to be no exception. Time is money and more time invested on the Gamepad means an increased budget. Early Wii U games are going to be mostly ports from your Xbox and PlayStation 3. Using the Wii U's negligible install base, resources could 't be there to make compelling features. With two other control options that parody that regarding competing consoles, developers might not please take a risk and merely choose instead these more-conventional alternatives.
In a short time, second-screen features might become irrelevant.
Where does this leave the Video games accessory as being a platform? With new hardware from Microsoft and Sony out soon, what becomes Nintendo's selling point? Well, I am unable to answer that without a doubt.